When you see a product you like, select the size and click "Add to Cart". Once you have added the products, click on "View Basket". Check that the products in the basket are the ones you want (check the color, size, units...). If so, the steps to complete your purchase are as follows:

  1. Identify yourself:
  • If you have an account enter your email and password
  • If you want to create an account or you are going to buy as a guest, enter your data in the form that appears on the screen, accept the privacy policy and press send.
  • Enter your address, check the data well and select your shipping method.
  • Accept the conditions of sale.
  • Check the order data well, especially the products, the email address and the shipping address. If everything is correct, choose the payment method between Bank Card or PayPal. From here you will be redirected to the payment platform.

When the payment is finished, we will confirm the correct completion of the purchase through the email

Productos mencionados

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